
If  you think you have a soul;-

I also assume that you must believe that this soul will survive after the death of your body, and will go to someplace nice.  So I have a few questions for you:-

  • Does your soul have a memory?  If so, I assume it remembers everything that you knew at the moment of your death.  If the soul has no memory, then, of course, it cannot be said to be “you”, since the essential “you” consists of the sum total of your memories, plus, of course, your habits and mannerisms.
  • Can your soul think and make decisions?  If not then it cannot be said to be you.
  • If your soul has a memory, and can think and make decisions, then why do we need such a large brain simply to control the unconscious bodily functions? 
  • ?  If the soul is the real you, and is unaffected by brain injury or death, then why does a sharp blow to the head render us unconscious?
  • When does the fetus acquire a soul?   It seem unlikely that the male sperm and female egg have souls, so the unborn child must develop a soul at some time during pregnancy, but when?
  • Since your soul has a memory that exists independently of your brain, why do we lose part of our memory when we have a brain injury or Alzheimer’s disease, or simply as a consequence of aging?
  • if you live to a ripe old age, you will have lost a lot of memories due to the natural aging process.  Will your soul “remember” all of this lost information, from the day of your birth up to the instant of your death?
  • If an Alzheimer’s patient recovers his or her lost memories upon death, then just how precise will these memories be?  Will the soul remember every single word spoken, heard or read during the person’s entire lifetime?  If not, then how does God decide how much of the lost memory to restore?
  • If you believe in evolution, then at what stage in the process does the evolving Homo sapiens develop a soul?  Do other animals also have souls?
  • When the soul arrives in heaven, will it acquire a new body, or will it appear as a ghost, unable to interact with its surroundings?
  • When your soul goes to “heaven” wherever that is, and you meet your friends and relatives who have passed on, how will they appear? Will your parents appear old, as you last remember them, or will they be young again?  
  • Since I know that there was time in the past when I did not exist, why shouldn’t there be a time in the future when I again cease to exist?